How to Pratice Violin Effectively

Posted by HOT MUSIC Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Practice is a science and art. In this article I will give you four easily overlooked tips that will improve you're playing instantly.

There is one thing that most beginner players overlook when they practice violin, what is this? ORGANIZATION. The secret to maximizing your practice is to organize it in a way that gives you maximum results for your time.

How do you do this?

First set aside time to practice every day, for beginners I recommend about two hours. The secret to this is that you do it every single day. Be consistent in your practice this is the difference between those who become good and those who don't. Even if you find it hard to practice every day don't give up it will soon become easy. In fact if you keep it up for long enough it will become a deeply ingrained habit and you will not be able to stop.

Second divide up your playing time into segments. For example if you are practicing for two hours a day you can divide your time into fifteen minute segments. Then you use each segment to practice something different for example fifteen minutes playing scales fifteen minutes sight reading and so on.

Third use a metronome. You will be amazed how many beginner players overlook this one simple thing. It is absolutely vital that you practice to a metronome. This is the only way you will be able to build up speed and accuracy when playing violin.

Fourth pay extreme attention; you must pay attention when practicing violin if you do not and let your mind wander you will make mistakes. These mistakes will then become part of your playing, and you will become worse instead of better the more you practice violin. Your mind must be clear your body relaxed. Be in a state of total relaxation focus and concentration this is the only way you will be able to improve.

These are the four things you must do when you practice violin. Organize your playing effectively and you will see yourself improving rapidly, block off time to practice, divide your time up, use a metronome and pay attention.

These are the four things that every beginner violinist must do, for more tips on how you can improve your violin practice please click here

Eric B. Hill has been a professional violinist for more than fifteen years you can visit his website here thank you

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