If you are looking for violin lessons for children you have come to the wrong place, just joking although I believe that there is a time and place for this there are also other options that you can explore in the meanwhile.

What are those options?

They are the violin lessons DVD. In today's modern digital age there are many alternatives to learning violin from a teacher such as using videos or DVD's, most of these are of a surprisingly good quality and make an excellent substitute for a regular teacher.

They also serve as an excellent introduction to the instrument for young children. By using these DVD's young children can learn the basics of the violin before moving on to a teacher or to a more advanced program.

Violin lessons DVD's are also cheaper than violin lessons for children with a teacher. Today most private teachers are very expensive and out of the reach of most people DVD's are an excellent alternative to violin lessons. They can also be used from the privacy of your own home which is definitely easier than carting children around. DVD's are forever and can be handed down to siblings or other family members after you are finished with them.

If you are looking for violin lessons on DVD I can recommend the Eric Lewis Violin Master Pro system this is an excellent program for young children. I have used it myself with my own children and have had wonderful results.

Violin Master Pro is made up of hundreds of videos and mp3's and covers all of the basics from how to hold to bow and play notes all the way up to sight reading and playing basic songs. It is an excellent program for young children.

Eric B. Hill is an professional violin player and teacher. You can find many more free online violin lessons and tips at his website http://violinlessonshq.com

Also if you would like to find out the secrets of learning violin extremely fast then please CLICK HERE

The guitar has always been a favorite instrument for millions of people around the world. People who were keen to learn how to play the guitar used to learn by going for classes at their local music schools. However, in today's context, there are many resources available on the Internet that will help anyone learn acoustic guitar for free.

So even if learning can be free, is there a structured approach to learning? Yes there is and in this article, I will share some things you need to keep in mind when learning to play the acoustic guitar.

Start From The Beginning

Like anything else in life, you need to start from square one. A good start when you're trying to learn acoustic guitar is to get your fundamentals right: where to place your fingers and hands, how to strum or pick, and so on. Good resources will take you from the lowest level and how you things one after another. Once you know the basics, you are ready for the next step.

Learn About Basic Chords

You will be surprised to see how many guitar songs you can approach with just 3 basic chords only. Most good guitar beginner's courses will teach you how to play these chords. They will probably also have chords charts which you can use: diagrams that show you the strings to press, how to use your fingers and hands, and so on. It may sound very complex, but once you get used to it, you will have no trouble in learning acoustic guitar.

Pick vs. Finger-Strummer

Most introductory guitar lessons will recommend you learn acoustic guitar by strumming using a pick as opposed to picking each note with your fingers. The truth is you will have enough of a challenge in trying to make chords - you don't need to struggle about what your fingers are doing. Once you get the hang of it you can learn using either the pick or the finger-strummer, depending on what the song or style requires of you.

To learn acoustic guitar for free is not difficult, the more challenging task is to pick up the skills of guitar playing. With proper guidance from online tutorials, you will be able to play your guitar very soon.

Are you looking to play acoustic guitar, then you need to know what are the best guitar lessons available on the internet.

Head over to http://www.howtolearntoplayguitar.com to find out more.

Jamorama has been around a while, since 2004 in fact, so if you have been looking to learn guitar online then you've probably already stumbled across it. The course has been developed by Ben Edwards and a dedicated team of guitar enthusiasts and promises to have you up and playing guitar within five minutes. But does it really deliver on these claims? Surely something so reasonably priced cant be that good? Well, I wanted to find out for myself.
Dusting off the old wallet I quickly discovered that there is only one place to buy Jamorama and that is from their official website. Don't be put off by the many ads asking the question 'Is Jamorama a Scam?' because I quickly discovered that it is not. The order process is smooth with payment taken

by Clickbank's secure payment portal. (Clickbank is a respected agency allowing vendors of digital products to sell their stuff online). Add to this the knowledge that Jamorama offers a 60 day money back guarantee and there is really no need to be concerned.

So, once my purchase was complete I was given immediate access to the course materials which come in ebook format (one for beginners and one for more advanced guitarists). There are 252 pages to browse at your leisure and it is all structured in very logical way. The course walks you though 44 chapters containing 148 video examples and exercises. The Lessons themselves are very easy to follow and take the beginner through all they will need to know when starting out with the guitar, from identifying the various parts of the guitar, through posture to the more advanced guitar styles and tablature reading.

As if all that wasn't enough the team at Jamorama just seem to want to keep on giving. Bundled with your purchase of Jamorama itself you also get access to some very good bonuses:

* The pro version of Jayde Musica (interactive software to teach you how to read music)
* GuitEarIt! (more doftware designed to improve your ability to recognise chords from their sound alone).
* Jamorama Metronome - designed to aid your timing, speed and control
* Guitar Tuner Pro Software and an Ebook called 'How to tune your guitar
* 30 Days Free Access to songpond

There can be little doubt that the Jamorama Guitar Learning course contains a lot of very valuable information for the beginner, and when you combine this with the price of the course (currently $39.95 - no more than the price of a couple of of lessons with a guitar teacher), I have to say it is outstanding value for money. With two ebooks some excellent bonuses as well as access to the Jamorama Forum where you can pose questions to other guitarists, Jamorama is all you will need to start playing guitar.

If you consider yourself a reasonably competent guitarist however you may find the material in the course a little too simple, don't forget this is for beginner / intermediate players. Jamorama is unlikely to get you playing the guitar like Eric Clapton but by the time you have completed the course, you will be well on the way to mastering the basics and have built a platform which you may well be playing like one of the greats in time.

For a more in depth Jamorama Review check out James Bailey's website well you'll find general tips on How to play Guitar as well as more reviews of other Guitar Courses.

So you want to learn to play the violin? The good news is that you can! What's more, you can do so in a way that's both rewarding and fun. You can learn to play the violin without leaving your house, even. All you need is a program as comprehensive and intuitive as ViolinMasterPro.

Now, you should know that learning the violin can feel a bit daunting, especially if you have never heard the instrument in your hands before. If you feel intimidated by your instrument, do not feel silly. Many people felt that way, too, when they began their lessons. So did I.

But remember, you crawl before you walk; you walk before you run. In the same manner, you can't be a pro at making beautiful music without going through the learning stage first. Here are a few tips that will surely come handy as you learn to play the violin.

Don't have the money to buy your own instrument? Don't. Rent it instead. Believe it or not, specialty shops have violins you can rent. So do some music stores.

If your hands hurt the first few times you play music, don't give up. Don't feel put off by that either. Yours are not the first pair of hands to ache as a result of practice. They won't be the last. You will find that the longer you practice, the more you improve finger strength.

You can scrimp on just about anything lessons-wise (except for the learning resources you use, of course) but do not ever try to cut corners on your shoulder rest. Get one. If you don't, you will surely end up with very sore neck and shoulders.

Finally, don't forget to enjoy the music! You may not qualify for a position in an orchestra yet but hey, who says you can't enjoy music when you hear it? Or, in your case, while you learn to play it?

Kurt Hamlin is a violin teacher and a contributor to the popular website Violin Basics For Beginners.Com. Check out the website for tips on how to play violin fast!

Do you wonder about the meaning of "master" in the discussion of "master violin class"? Does not that word signify some kind of power relationship? After all, if you stop a dozen people on the street, instructing, "Tell me the first world that comes to mind when I say 'master,'" will not at least eleven of the twelve say "slave"? And if you demand a second association with the word would you not predict the same eleven willing participants in your poll would respond "domination"? Even when your intellect acknowledges that the word comes into the violin's specialized lexicon from the traditions of craftsmen's guilds, when apprentices served masters until they perfected their craft, all the rationalism cannot quite obscure the apprentice's abject dependence on the old expert not only for

nstruction but also for shelter and sustenance. Even the most kindly one still wields all the power. So, as you enroll in a "master violin class," do not you feel just a little wary about submitting to the master's tutelage?

The basic objective of this type of violin class may not console you. Stripped of all the fancy educational and musical jargon, every one of these types of violin classes drives toward the same goal by the same process. You study with an expert in order to become a fine player in your own right. More precisely, the objective ought to declare you study "under" an expert until you become one. With in-depth study you develop skills and knowledge which propel you up the ziggurat toward the apex of violin success. Still, even as he instructs you, the teacher keeps the gate to the pyramid's next level; and no one ever confides that, even when you imagine you have reached the top, you will find you still have further to travel before you reach the limits of your talents and gifts.

Human nature dominates your master violin class more powerfully than the instructor himself. For the sake of ensemble play, your classmates want you to do well; for the sake of their own advancement up the deadly ziggurat, however, they secretly hope you tank. You probably reciprocate their feelings. If, though, you really "get it," you will see that even your classmates' bullying and belittling power your progress, because you will keep playing and practicing until you perform your part so brilliantly they can say only "wow."

Even as you wonder about submitting to the teacher and joining your peers in a master violin class, you must understand that the instrument's and music's demands make the rules. Your teacher did not arbitrarily determine the standards for good, better, and best; those standards inhere in the violin and sheet music. You play well, or you play poorly. When you play well, the instructor grants permission to advance. When you play not-so-well, the instructor stays with you until you get it. His loyalty to the music and craft dictate that he must remain loyal to you and your progress.

The longer you stay with your master violin class and remain loyal to your teacher, the more clearly the paradox at the relationship's heart will become clear. You ultimately will see and feel the irony. Your tutor, vested with power derived from his own exquisite command of the violin and his own privileged standing in the community of accomplished violinists, actually sets his power in service of your own progress. He uses his power to build yours; he uses his authority to build your authority over the notes on the page and the strings on the twangy box you cradle in your arms.

Hailey Alton is a violin performer, music lover and teacher. For more great tips on Master Violin Class please visit http://learntheviolinfast.com

Perfect pitch is the ability to instantly recognise the pitch of a musical note when it is played. As a guitarist, this is a wonderful skill to have in your armoury as it enables you to easily work out the notes in a song just from listening to the music being played. Guitarists with perfect pitch are often able to play whole songs after listening to them just once. You will be able to play guitar by ear far more easily if you learn perfect pitch.

It is thought that people with perfect pitch have a model of each musical note stored in their brain. When they hear a musical note being played they simply compare the note played with the model notes in their brain.

This then allows them to select the name of the note. The more advanced that their skills are the faster that they can make these decisions and therefore the quicker that they can work out the notes used in tunes and songs. This model also allows them to accurately tune their guitar without using a tuner of any kind. Perfect pitch therefore allows you to work out songs and guitar solos by just listening to them. This is the ultimate ability when used to play guitar by ear.

Without perfect pitch it is still possible to work out songs and tune your guitar without a tuner. You just have to go about the tasks in a different way. You need to use a different skill called relative pitch. This is the ability to compare one played note with another. In order to tune your guitar you get somebody to play the correct notes for your strings on another instrument such as a keyboard. Electronic keyboards are a good choice as the notes remain constant no matter what happens to the instrument. You can also use another already tuned guitar or a set of pitch pipes which produce the string notes when they are blown.

The technique used, is to play the reference note such as an E note on the keyboard and then play the E string to be tuned. You should then compare the two notes. The string note will either be the same, higher or lower than the reference note. If you can make these decisions it means you are using relative pitch skills. You then turn the machine head on the guitar to try and make the two notes the same. Once you have the E string in tune you should move on to the A string and then the D string until they are all in tune. For this to work you need to play the notes of each string on the keyboard or pitch pipes.

You can also use this technique to tune your guitar to the recording of a song that you are trying to work out. This will enable you to try playing along with the song. You can use the relative pitch idea to try to find the notes played in the song by comparing the notes on your guitar with those on the recording. This can be hard work and involves a lot of trial and error. However, if you persist you will eventually be able to work out the tune and the chords played. Every time you try to do this sort of thing you will be slowly improving your relative pitch ability.

Relative pitch and perfect pitch can both be improved by practice. Perfect pitch ear training and relative pitch ear training is done by performing certain set exercises which try to establish the reference notes in your mind. After a while you will notice that your pitch recognition abilities improve and you can play guitar by ear.

Further information on playing guitar by ear and the things you can do to improve your perfect and relative pitch ability can be found on the setting up a guitar web site produced by the author Tim Vincent. http://www.settingupaguitar.co.uk/playguitarbyear.htm

Below we have put together just 10 of the many reasons to learn to play. The piano is a marvelous musical instrument Also, it's one of the best things that you can do for yourself- it can make you feel great, and it's not as difficult as you might think! There's no-one who doesn't appreciate the incredible sound that can come from those ivories! If you have even the slightest inclination towards learning, then there's no reason not to.

1) Right now, learning to play the piano is incredibly easy! There really are no obstacles in your way. Consider professional teachers, online tutorials, or you can even learn now by watching a DVD! All of the advancements in multi-media and communication simply add to this.

2) The vast majority of the good standard course books are these days accompanied with their own audio cd, which is always a help. The cost of learning to play has gone down considerably over recent years. For the cost of a good meal in a restaurant, you can buy a really good standard instruction DVD or a tutorial book. Personally, I prefer the DVD route, (think of the DVD as your own private teacher at your beck and call 24 hours a day) as you can learn to play at your own leisure - you can pause to make a cup of tea whenever you want, and you can learn at your own pace.

3) It's a real treat to be able to share your musical talent. It's a wonderful gift to give someone, whether that person is a child or a grandchild, or even that special someone.

4) Everyone has a favorite song, and how many times have you thought to yourself how wonderful it would be to be able to play it and listen to it whenever you want? There really is nothing stopping you from doing so! If you visit your local library you will find loads of sheet music for every level - if you go online you can find even more variations. On some websites you can even print off sheet music, giving you an almost endless supply of new things to play.

5) Initiating a sing-sing with the family is great, but you can also take it a step further and get them to join in! It's a great way of bringing the family together - the bonding that can be associated with such a family experience as playing the piano is fantastic. There is so much music available that can be played by two or more people on the piano.

6) The more you play, the longer you will learn - you get a lifetime guarantee with playing the piano. Your expertise will grow with age. It's a bit like riding a bike - you never forget, but unlike riding a bike it doesn't get more challenging the older you get!

7) The versatility of the piano is a wonderful thing - it's like having your own orchestra in that you play simultaneous notes on it together. This is why it is so often the instrument of choice for composers.

8) When you listen to a piece of music, you will appreciate it a lot more - you may even surprise yourself by thinking up better ways to play, or even to improve it! Your understanding of music in general will improve greatly when you play an instrument such as the piano, and you will know what it is the composer was trying to get across.

9) Its physically easy! Other instruments (such as the violin or the guitar) take a degree of flexibility and exertion. The piano, however, requires none of these. Like we mentioned earlier, people play the piano expertly well into their nineties - they can because the physical toll on the body is absolutely minimal.

10) The tradition! Since it first appeared on the musical scene over 250 years ago, the piano has influenced just about every genre and style of music, and has even prompted the rise of many. Any musical concert you go to, of practically any genre, has a keyboard somewhere on the stage.

You won't regret it! I promise you that learning the piano will be one of the best things you ever do for yourself. We could go on forever, and I'm sure you can think of some that we haven't mentioned. These, of course, are just a few of the reasons to learn the piano. I urge you to do it, even if you have only the slightest inclination somewhere in the back of your mind.

Lauren Paltrow of ReviewsMetro.com/LearnPiano, specializes in helping aspiring pianists get the info that they need to make the right choices. Lauren leads her team of piano experts in constantly reviewing new courses and products in the market to make sure you get the best value products that work for you. Check out her honest and unbiased independent reviews of the best piano courses and products at ReviewsMetro.com/LearnPiano. You can also get her free piano lessons online there too.

Probably the first obstacle you will have to face when you decide to learn to play the guitar is buying one to start with. If you are not all that clued up about the genre, or if you have no friends who can play to ask for advice, then it can be a difficult task.

A lot of people take the advice of the shop assistant, make the mistake of buying a nice economical purchase to start learning on, and find that it does not even come close to meeting their needs. The advice can also turn out to be a little misguided and driven by desire to make a sale rather than getting the best deal for yourself.

The following are all questions that you really need to know the answers to before you step foot into a guitar shop. If you are in this situation, and are looking seriously into the possibility of buying a guitar in order to learn, then there are a few things that you should be considering before you depart with your hard-earned cash.

1. What style of music are you going to be learning?

What is very important is to make sure that you don't get pressured into buying something that you don't really want, and will not be able to satisfy your needs and goals. You are in charge - you know what you want to learn, and you know what you want to play! An electric guitar is more suited to rock-style music, whereas an electric guitar is better for singing along, or just strumming. This might sound really obvious - but you'd be amazed at how many people make this mistake!

2. What sort of budget do you have?

What you are doing when you buy your first guitar is investing - you are investing in yourself and your own musical development. This should be considered as you set about finalizing exactly how much you want to spend. If you have never played guitar before, then spending thousands of dollars on a top quality instrument is probably not the way to go. Realistically, to begin with, you should be looking at paying somewhere in the region of $250-$300 (US) for a decent electric guitar, and around $150 (US) for an acoustic.

This is often a fraught step, and will take a little time to get it right, but the time is well invested to make sure that you get the right instrument. When you decided on the style of music that you want to play, and the budget that you can afford, then it's time to make the decision on which guitar you buy. Bear in mind your answers to the questions above, and consider the following.

· Try before you buy. Buying your first guitar is a little like buying a new car - you wouldn't just take the first one you see, right? Try as many guitars as you want! There's also no reason why, at this stage, you shouldn't be looking at guitars that might be outside of your budget - by doing this you will be getting a good idea of the range available to you, and the big differences that exist from one guitar to another.

· Pay special attention to the playability of the frets. Take a look at each fret, and play a note on each. Look at the condition of the frets - are they worn out? Do they show signs of excessive usage? You may find that there is a small buzzing sound - if this is the case, then it means that the action of the guitar is not set properly. It could even point to a case of poor workmanship on the instrument.

· A quick and easy way to purchase your first guitar can be online. If you do decide to go down this route, then make sure you check out as many user reviews as you can in order to find out whether this particular guitar is right for your needs. . Online guitars can often be a lot cheaper than the store on the high street, with the added advantage that it will often arrive straight to your door.

· Be comfortable! If you find one that fits you like a glove and makes a sound that you genuinely enjoy, then there is a much higher chance that that guitar will stay with you for a much longer time. Make sure you select a guitar that you like, and that you feel comfortable with.

Whatever you do, do not get pressured into spending more than you want to append, as this will breed resentment before you have even begun. For the beginner attempting to learn to play the guitar for the first time, then you should be considering all of the above before you start. Playing the guitar really can be a wonderful pastime, always rewarding and great fun to boot.

Liam Gibson of ReviewsMetro.com/LearnGuitar, specializes in helping aspiring guitarists get the info that they need to make the right choices. Liam, a stage guitarist himself, leads his team of guitar experts to constantly review new courses and products in the market and make sure you get the best value products that work for you. Check out his honest and unbiased independent reviews of the best guitar courses and products at ReviewsMetro.com/LearnGuitar. You can also get his free guitar lessons online there too.

What does a person need to become a pianist? A piano and a desire to play? Or is there more to it than that?

Definitely a keyboard instrument is a necessity. Having an instrument on which to develop your skills and share your music is a must if a person is to become a pianist.

Having a method to study and a teacher to guide you are also important.

However, most everything else that allows a person to become a pianist is intrinsic. These are values that come from inside a person.

We will say that the first intrinsic value, the innate desire is there to become a pianist, but what else is necessary?

• Ability
• Attention to detail
• Drive
• Effort
• Goal Orientation
• Passion
• Patience
• Perseverance
• Time
• Understanding

The definition of ability is the capacity to do something or perform successfully. Everyone has the ability to play the piano. The question is whether playing the piano is a particular talent or acquired skill that you are ready to pursue.

Becoming a pianist requires great attention to detail. Developing eye hand coordination, learning the language of music, and translating that language into sound involved details too numerous to count. The person who can give their attention to a myriad of details simultaneously will be the successful pianist.

Drive or the energy and determination that will help a person achieve the goal of playing the piano is necessary. The more powerful the drive or need to fulfill the dream the more quickly one is successful in learning to play the piano.

Mental or physical energy that is exerted in order to achieve the purpose of playing the piano is described as effort. Without the concentrated use of this energy achieving the goal of becoming a pianist will be for naught.

In describing the first three values on the list, the word goal was used in each. Setting a goal to do something you want to do necessitates nearly everything else on the list. Without the goal of becoming a pianist, drive, effort, and attention to detail are but frivolous exercises.

Beyond setting the goal of becoming a pianist is having the passion or the keen interest in the piano and in piano study. Passion pushes the goal forward. Passion allows you to become what you want to be. Passion allows you to play the piano.

Once the goals are set, the desire is there, the passion is flamed, and the effort has been exerted, patience must kick in. The ability to endure hours of practice of seemingly simple concepts to achieve the hoped for result of playing a song on the piano without becoming annoyed or upset is what patience is all about. And becoming a pianist requires large amounts of patience.

And then there is perseverance. The steady and continued practice with the belief that over a long period of time and especially despite difficulties or setbacks you will persevere and become the pianist you have dreamed of.

Just how much time does it take to become a pianist? What is your dream? What is your desire? How patient are you? Will you persevere? How much time can you devote to your passion? Only you can answer that question.

To understand what it takes to become a pianist a person must take the journey in his or her own way, using his or her own abilities, fulfilling his or her own dreams, passions and desires with effort, patience and perseverance in his or her own time.

Dr. Jeannine Jordan is a professional piano teacher and performer, who wants to open the world of music through creative enjoyable online lessons.

"Want to play songs on the piano today? Want to wow your friends and family at the next get-together? Want to play the piano for your own enjoyment? Visit http://playpianosongstoday.com/ for your first free lesson and start playing songs on the piano today!"

Do you wonder about the meaning of "master" in the discussion of "master violin class"? Does not that word signify some kind of power relationship? After all, if you stop a dozen people on the street, instructing, "Tell me the first world that comes to mind when I say 'master,'" will not at least eleven of the twelve say "slave"? And if you demand a second association with the word would you not predict the same eleven willing participants in your poll would respond "domination"? Even when your intellect acknowledges that the word comes into the violin's specialized lexicon from the traditions of craftsmen's guilds, when apprentices served masters until they perfected their craft, all the rationalism cannot quite obscure the apprentice's abject dependence on the old expert not only for instruction but also for shelter and sustenance.

Even the most kindly one still wields all the power. So, as you enroll in a "master violin class," do not you feel just a little wary about submitting to the master's tutelage?

The basic objective of this type of violin class may not console you. Stripped of all the fancy educational and musical jargon, every one of these types of violin classes drives toward the same goal by the same process. You study with an expert in order to become a fine player in your own right. More precisely, the objective ought to declare you study "under" an expert until you become one. With in-depth study you develop skills and knowledge which propel you up the ziggurat toward the apex of violin success. Still, even as he instructs you, the teacher keeps the gate to the pyramid's next level; and no one ever confides that, even when you imagine you have reached the top, you will find you still have further to travel before you reach the limits of your talents and gifts.

Human nature dominates your master violin class more powerfully than the instructor himself. For the sake of ensemble play, your classmates want you to do well; for the sake of their own advancement up the deadly ziggurat, however, they secretly hope you tank. You probably reciprocate their feelings. If, though, you really "get it," you will see that even your classmates' bullying and belittling power your progress, because you will keep playing and practicing until you perform your part so brilliantly they can say only "wow."

Even as you wonder about submitting to the teacher and joining your peers in a master violin class, you must understand that the instrument's and music's demands make the rules. Your teacher did not arbitrarily determine the standards for good, better, and best; those standards inhere in the violin and sheet music. You play well, or you play poorly. When you play well, the instructor grants permission to advance. When you play not-so-well, the instructor stays with you until you get it. His loyalty to the music and craft dictate that he must remain loyal to you and your progress.

The longer you stay with your master violin class and remain loyal to your teacher, the more clearly the paradox at the relationship's heart will become clear. You ultimately will see and feel the irony. Your tutor, vested with power derived from his own exquisite command of the violin and his own privileged standing in the community of accomplished violinists, actually sets his power in service of your own progress. He uses his power to build yours; he uses his authority to build your authority over the notes on the page and the strings on the twangy box you cradle in your arms.

Hailey Alton is a violin performer, music lover and teacher. For more great tips on Master Violin Class please visit http://learntheviolinfast.com

Adults often come to the point in their lives when they want to explore new hobbies. One of the most common hobbies adults pursue is learning to play the piano. It may be the first time they play or a return to a childhood pleasure. Whether you're an adult sitting down to learn the instrument for the first time or you want to brush up on your skills, keep in mind some basic rules of piano practice.

Posture is very important. Make sure that the piano bench is high enough. Your shoulders should hang freely, while your forearms are parallel to the floor. This allows the greatest freedom of movement and keeps your body from feeling constricted.

While your hands are directly in front of you on the keyboard, your elbows should be just slightly forward of the center of your body. Sit forward on the bench so that your body is relaxed.

Create a regular piano practice schedule. Start with short sessions of 15 minutes. Increase the time as your skill progresses and your hands start to feel more limber. You may not have time for piano practices longer than half an hour, but that's enough to increase your skill and flexibility. Just try not to miss too many days in a row. Time of day is important. Pick a time when you'll be least distracted by the worries of life.

Practice books are extremely helpful for both beginners and experienced players. These contain exercises and tips that improve your technique. Many also teach musical theory, providing detailed explanations of scales, chords, modes and relative tonality. This is great for expanding your musical palette and understanding how melodies and harmonies work in the context of a piece.

Piano practice books also contain musical pieces adjusted to your skill level. At the end of each chapter you'll often find a piece that demonstrates techniques that you learned in the preceding pages. It may take a while to coordinate both of your hands, so don't expect to play at full speed right away. Practice each hand separately, at a moderate speed, before combining the two parts. You'll be less discouraged and find that your playing is more accurate.

Remember, piano practice isn't a competition. Even if you are a highly driven individual, take your time and be patient when learning the piano. You'll avoid frustration and possible injury if you avoid pushing yourself too hard. It's supposed to be enjoyable.

A metronome is an invaluable tool for piano practice. A metronome is a device that keeps perfect time, providing an audible beat set to an exacting tempo. Metronomes are adjustable from very slow to very fast, well within the limits of pieces you'll be practicing. Even if you feel that you have a great sense of timing, invest in this handy little tool for your piano practice sessions. You'll be amazed how often you change tempos slightly while running through exercises.

Whatever amount of time and dedication you are able to invest in the piano, it's a great instrument for adults to learn. The piano is a few hundred years old, and people are still exploring its musical possibilities. Join their ranks and make music that you'll love for the rest of your life.

Duane Shinn is the author of a free newsletter on piano chords & chord progressions available at Piano Practice

n this article I will be discussing different ways to move forward from any previous rhythm guitar lessons you have taken, how to develop, quicken and get you closer to playing like a rhythm guitarist pro.

Remember that with learning anything it takes time, practice and patience. This includes rhythm guitar lessons. If you've been practicing for a while and find yourself starting to become good at a certain riff, you can spend a little time and play around and have fun with it learning different alterations to that same riff letting your creative side take over can be a great way to beat the boredom of playing the same thing over and over.

You don't particularly have to focus on one riff and only one riff. Choose a few that you really enjoy but don't go overboard. Spreading yourself too thin, between too many, will make you unable to play any of them correctly or very well.

Sometimes group lessons can be a good way to improve your skill and help you keep the rhythm you need with your rhythm guitar lessons. Playing with people who enjoy the same hobby as you can also build great friendships and playing in a group will hold you a little more accountable to your practicing than if you taught yourself.

You can also listen and learn the rhythm guitar parts of your favorite songs which can help train your ear to learn which notes are which and the difference in chord progression. And of course it's lots of fun to learn a song that you love to listen to.

B. Edwards has a simple, but very powerful, multiple-choice listening game. It ranges from easy to hard.

Click here to check it out. He also has his bachelor in education and was the lead guitarist for the popular down-under band "DegreesK". You can sign up for free here.

If you've been learning how to play bass and you're starting to play with bands - whether at gigs or in rehearsals - this series of gig tips will help you overcome some of the common problems encountered when playing live and let you focus on the art of how to play bass. Gig Tip number 8 looks at what to do when you make a mistake in a live environment.

Now when you're playing at a gig - or in a rehearsal - I can absolutely 100 per cent guarantee you that you are going to make mistakes. You're human right? It's going to happen.

Here's what you have to do in this situation:

Keep playing.

Let me repeat that: Keep Playing.

That's what professionals do, if they make a mistake they keep on playing. Amateurs stop and stare around them, and wish that either the ground would open up in front of them or that the song will magically begin again so they can get another chance. In gigs - as in life - you get very few second chances.


You can practice to overcome this. I always recommend to my students that they play along with the original Cds and Records when they're learning tunes. Once they've gone through the various parts of the song, worked out what notes are played where on the fretboard, and started putting the parts of the tune together then I tell them to practice along with the original. If they make a mistake I tell them to keep going. Don't stop playing and go back to the start and begin all over again. If you do that, you'll be training yourself to do that.

And that's what amateurs do.

So don't do it.

Play through the song. All the way to the end. Irrespective of how many mistakes you make. If you find that there's one or more sections that you can't play, then isolate those sections and practice them until you're ready to play them at the original tempo.

We all make mistakes at gigs. No matter what level we're at. I've done gigs with musicians who are far better than me and you know what? They make mistakes too. All it takes is a momentary lapse of concentration and voila, you've made a mistake. Just don't let it throw you off completely.

The more you practice with songs - mistakes and all - the more you'll get used to being able to ignore it and carry on playing. So if you can always play to the end of the song!

If you want more bass related info, head over to my how to play bass website where you'll find video lessons, articles, reviews and much more. There's also a weekly ezine you can sign up for - in return for signing up you'll get a PDF file with 5 cool bass lines in - and each week's ezine features a bass line in music notation and bass tab. http://www.how-to-play-bass.com

After you have read this article and understand how each piece of the instrument functions you'll be ready to start your journey to become the next great musician.

Strings: the strings are the part of the instrument that are used the most. An electric guitar usually has 6 strings although some models may have more. The strings are plucked and picked to produce different notes and by extension music.

Bridge: the bridge is where the strings terminate at the body end of the guitar. There a few types of bridges, I won't go into all of the different types, but each type has it's purpose and as your experience grows you will learn more.

Pickups: the pickups are devices attached to the body underneath the strings. The pickups detect the vibrations of the strings and convert theses vibrations into electrical energy, thus producing the music that you hear.

Tremolo Arm: the tremolo arm is a lever that is attached to the bridge or bottom end of the instrument body. This lever allows the musician (you) to very quickly vary the string tension thus changing the pitch of the notes produced. Not all models feature a tremolo arm.

Strap: the strap is basically just a piece of cloth or leather that is attached to the headstock and bottom of the instrument body enabling the musician to more easily hold it.

Volume and Tone Controls: these controls are located on the body and are used to control the volume and/or tone of the notes produced.

With the knowledge of these basics you are now ready to start learning to play. Allow me to stress again that one of the best ways to teach yourself is by using online video lessons. Online video lessons are great because you can learn at your own pace, there is no schedule to abide by, you don't have to find and pay for a teacher and best of all you can learn in your pajamas!

Are you ready to become the next legendary musician? Click here to find out more about learning to play with FREE electric guitar lessons online.

When you're learning how to play bass, and you're learning some of your favourite band's songs to play, there are 3 benefits to playing along with the original recordings. If you ever see or hear (or read) interviews with rock monster Billy Sheehan you'll find that this is something he still does to this day.

The first benefit of playing with original recordings you will only get if you play to the end of the song regardless of whether you make mistakes or not. By doing this you start to train yourself in a professional mindset. When you're playing music in 'the real world' if you make a mistake you can't stop the track and go back to the beginning. You've just got to keep your cool, keep your place in the music and play to the end.

Make this a habit. It's one of the most important habits you can acquire early. Always play to the end of the track!

The second benefit of playing with original recordings is that it will help with both your sense of time, and your ear training. It helps with your sense of time in that if you're out of sync with the original recording because of timing problems all you need to do is to record yourself and it will become painfully apparent. And if you play a note that doesn't match the chords being played in the original recording that will also be painfully apparent, so helping foster your ear's perception of chord to note relationships.

The last benefit of playing with original recordings is simple, yet often overlooked when budding musicians work out a practice schedule: it's fun! Back in the day when I was learning I used to play along to The Police, U2, Stax soul records like Sam and Dave and Otis Redding, Iron Maiden, Rush, Bowie, all sorts of stuff. It was a big part of my early development as a bass player.

So when you're learning how to play bass lines for songs - whether for your own enjoyment or to play with a band - always make sure you play along with the original recording. It will make you a better bass player.

If you want more bass related info, head over to my how to play bass website where you'll find video lessons, articles, reviews and much more. There's also a weekly ezine you can sign up for - in return for signing up you'll get a PDF file with 5 cool bass lines in - and each week's ezine features a bass line in music notation and bass tab. http://www.how-to-play-bass.com

Learning violin is fun and exciting. You will be learning a new skill that you will be able to use for your entire life. Many beginners find the idea of learning violin scary and intimidating at times. Follow the below tips and you are sure to find things easier.

Once you have purchased your violin, take some time to get to know it. Look up everything you can about the different components and what they do.

Learn the fundamentals. It is easy to skip ahead to things that are more interesting to you, but try to avoid that because learning the fundamentals is going to help you more easily proceed into the world of violin playing.

Find a good online course like Violin Master Pro. This is a great method of learning because it's inexpensive, fun, and easy to learn.

Practice as often as you can. Try to set aside at least a little bit of time each day for this purpose, and practice all of the things you have learned so far in your course.

Set some short term goals for yourself in order to keep things fresh and exciting. Meeting those goals is going to raise your confidence and help you move along easier in your studies.

Remain positive throughout the course of your learning. If, at any time, you stop having fun then maybe the violin isn't for you. Keep positive and don't get yourself down. Everybody learns at a different pace, so don't worry if things don't click right away.

As a beginner, you should think of learning violin as an investment in your future. The violin is a beautiful instrument that can create beautiful music when you learn how to play it properly. If you want to learn how to play the violin, remember that it is easy as long as you know the right tips.

Mae Riley is a violin teacher and a contributor to the popular website LearnToPlayViolinNow.Com. Find out how to learn the violin fast when you check out the website today!

Some experienced guitar players will tell you that the steel strings of an electric guitar are too hard on the fingers to allow a newbie guitarist to start playing right away. Well, that's true but the electric guitar needs very little left hand pressure to make clean sounding notes. So you can learn to play the electric guitar right from the start of learning, as long as you know that if you end up with little cuts in your left hand fingertips you are going to have to take a break from playing to let them heal.

As far as what to learn is concerned, you will find electric guitar lessons easily on the internet. There are lessons on how to understand the basics in music, how to read sheet music and tab and chord charts for just about any song you would want to play. You can make use of your favorite search engine to find electric guitar lessons. You can search using "complete guitar course", "guitar lessons", "electric guitar lessons" or you can take another approach and search for chords for your favorite songs. So just type the song title together with the words "chords" or "chord charts" or "tabs".

One of your favorite sites when you are learning to play the electric guitar will be YouTube. You will find guitar players of advanced levels of technique showing you how to play songs and giving details of commonly used electric guitar playing techniques like muting, string skipping, tapping, and so on.

Of course, the thing that will put together all the material you have found on the internet is your practice. You will not find any shortcuts - you will need to put in the hours on hard, unfamiliar work that will at first, be boring and unrewarding. This is the way all guitarists learn and all guitarists have had to go through the tedium and drudgery before sighting the light at the end of the tunnel.

The lessons you have found in books and on the web will certainly help you to stay focused but you will probably have to go through a stage where you are wondering whether you really want to learn to play the electric guitar. Questions like, "how long is this going to take?" and "is the tin whistle really the instrument I should be learning?" will come into your head, driven by the physical toll that hours of guitar practice take on your body and your emotions.

If you are learning songs from guitar chord charts or tabs, you should take your time and learn the chord sequences without having to look at the tab. Once you have the sequence of chords in your memory you can concentrate on the strumming patterns you are learning.

Do you want to learn to play the guitar? Learn How To Play A Guitar For Free is a constantly updated blog which contains all the resources you need for: learning to play solo guitar, how to learn guitar chords, how to learn to read and play easy acoustic guitar tabs, finding a free online guitar tuner, looking for free guitar lessons online, and how to learn guitar scales.

One of the big events in fingerstyle guitar playing many years ago was the publication of a music book called "Beatles For Classical Guitar". This was the world's first attempt to mix the simplicity of the Beatles' tunes with the complexity of classical guitar technique.

One of the first things that fingerpicking guitar players who were not trained in classical guitar playing noticed was that the fingerings to some of the tunes were much more difficult to execute than they had been used to. But no pain, no gain. The trickier arrangements indicated how much more musical richness had been found in these more complicated arrangements of familiar songs.

Some guitar players thought that a book of classical guitar arrangements of the work of The Beatles was just a gimmick. They expected that a minimal amount of work went into these arrangements just to produce popular music for the "egghead market". In fact the songs are all substantial arrangements that many classical guitarists find extremely satisfying to play.

People who loved the Beatles' music found that the songs had not been rendered unrecognizable in the process of arranging them for fingerpicking. The songs were arranged for guitar players who could read standard musical notation and they were not the kind of arrangements that could be played right through on sight the first time you saw them. The pieces asked you to pay some attention and make some effort. Once you get the feel of the way the songs have been interpreted you can let your familiarity with the songs guide you as you play.

Some guitar players are going to feel cheated by the fact that there are not tabs but the pieces are a bit too complicated to be translated into tab effectively. Guitarists who are used to playing using sheet music will be gratified that the music is not made more complicated by the addition of a tab line.

Here is the list of songs:

Across The Universe
Ask Me Why
Come Together
Cry Baby Cry
Day Tripper
For No One
From Me To You
Hello, Goodbye
Here Comes The Sun
I Don't Want To Spoil The Party
I Will
I'll Follow The Sun
I'm A Loser
I'm Happy Just To Dance With You
I'm Only Sleeping
I'm So Tired
In My Life
The Long And Winding Road
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
No Reply
Nowhere Man
P.S. I Love You
Penny Lane
Things We Said Today
This Boy (Ringo's Theme)
Two Of Us
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
You're Going To Lose That Girl

You might be surprised by the inclusion of some of the tunes in a collection of guitar solos. So go ahead and try them out.

Do you want to learn to play the guitar? Learn How To Play A Guitar For Free is a constantly updated blog which contains all the resources you need for: learning to play solo guitar, how to learn guitar chords, how to learn to read and play easy acoustic guitar tabs, finding a free online guitar tuner, looking for free guitar lessons online, and how to learn guitar scales.

If truth be advised, there might be no finest method to learn guitar, since what is greatest for one person may not be so for the next. Loads of people learn guitar in many diverse ways, and some of the top guitarists of the world learned with no assist whatsoever. In saying that, though, there is a dispute that queries whether or not that is significant. Here is how that squabble usually goes.

Guitarists who gain knowledge without tuition or guitar lessons have to be shining guitarists, or they would not have learned without proper tuition. We don't know how many botched to discover how to play a guitar for the lack of instruction or guitar lessons, because only the most sparkling are competent to do so. The squabble goes on to state that in instead of those that were given training, very few turned into good guitarists without it. The majority of excellent guitarists were trained, so unless you are brilliance you have to have guitar lessons to gain knowledge of how to play guitar well.

Hence, if your son or daughter says they don't want guitar lessons to learn guitar because Jimi Hendrix did not need them, point out them that they are not Jimi Hendrix nor Eric Clapton, who as well had no training. Instead inquire them if they desire to be similar to the thousands or more of others who strived without instruction and failed. There is no disbelief that knowledge how to play a musical instrument correctly permits you to learn faster and play correctly.

Although an excellent guitarist, Hendrix relied mainly upon use of feedback and some added electronic gadgets for his sound, though no one can refute Clapton is genius in his class. The squabble is that were he not a mastermind he would never have been booming without guitar lessons. Many failures can confirm to that fact.

So what is the most excellent mode to learn guitar? The reasonable answer you will find is the method that the person you inquired used. People usually know of no additional way than that they used, although this is flattering increasingly less true as technology proceeds and the internet turns into a most important factor in the training of just about anything.

It is improbable that a guitar book is still the most excellent way to learn guitar. Actually it wasn't just the greatest way; it was also the single method at one time unless your parents were wealthy and could pay for a private guitar tutor. There is no disbelief that private tuition is the most excellent way, assuming that you are the only student. It falls down when you are one of a group of several, and the lessons are meant either at the usual learning rate or the fastest - never the slowest! So, individual tuition is not essentially always the most excellent way.

Visit website if you want to learn guitar or need guiar lessons.

Here are six tips you can use as you learn the violin. These tips are not presented it in any particular order of importance. They will help you in choosing a violin, in choosing a course of instruction, and in developing a good practice routine.

• Learn to identify the basic parts of your violin. This is important when choosing a violin as it will help you to determine the condition of your instrument. You should be able to identify the scroll, peg box and pegs, the fingerboard, the strings, the fine tuning knobs, the bridge, the body, and the tail piece. Being able to speak with a degree of intelligence about these components will help you to negotiate a fair price.

• Have an experienced musician play a piece on your violin before purchasing it. An experienced a musician's ear will be able to pick up dissonance and help you determine if there are interior problems in the violin. Remember, there is no substitute for experience.
• If you are purchasing a vintage violin, make sure it is examined by a qualified luthier or violin technician. Vintage violins can be very expensive, some costing in the millions of dollars. One vintage violin sold recently in Russia for a reported seven million dollars. Great care must be taken to ensure that you get exactly the instrument that you want.

• When selecting a course of instruction, do your homework; you are entering into a long-term relationship. This is true whether you are pursuing a traditional manner of instruction or an online violin course. You must determine what kind of a learner you are. Do you learn best in a closed door, extremely quiet environment? Or are you at your best with a myriad of activities going on around you? Are you an audiovisual learner? Perhaps you just read it off the page and then have no difficulty applying the knowledge. Are you the kind of person who likes to have the instructions repeated multiple times? Making this determination ahead of time will help you greatly as you learn the violin.

• Make your practice routine a true routine. This means practicing at the same time in the same place every day, or at least as much as is possible. Science tells us that it takes 21 days of doing the same thing over until it becomes a habit. Make it a goal of your practice routine to become a true habit.

• Employ the use of a practice partner. This could include getting a friend or family member to take violin lessons with you. Practice becomes much easier and a lot more fun when you add a degree of competition to it. This can be done by seeing who can play a particular piece of music the best, or who can play the scales in the fastest time and with the best technique. A practice partner can also be used to practice duets in preparation for recitals or performances.

These tips will help you as you learn the violin!

Hailey Alton is a violin performer, music lover and teacher. For more great tips on how to Learn the Violin please visit http://learntheviolinfast.com/

he guitar player in bluegrass music was not always play solos. As with some other folk styles from various parts of the world, the guitar was originally just part of the rhythm section. The guitarist could be heard playing the odd bass run but apart from that he was in the background.

Nowadays bluegrass guitar is not only a lead instrument in the band but the playing techniques can be quite complex sounding. The early greats of bluegrass guitar playing like Lester Flatt and Charlie Monroe used a combination of fingerpicking and flatpicking using a thumbpick. A common technique which you can also hear in country music is to play bass notes and runs on the E A D strings and melodic passages on the G B E strings.

Flatpicking has become quite common in bluegrass music but that does not mean that playing bluegrass guitar has become easier. It just means you have to work as hard on your flatpicking technique as you would have had to work on your fingerpicking in the early days. A great flatpicker does not need the extra notes provided by fingerpicking to sustain interest. Just take a listen to the CDs and watch the videos featuring flatpickers like Norman Blake, Tony Rice, Dan Crary, Clarence White and Doc Watson.

If you are new to the guitar as well as bluegrass music, you will find that you need to work on the use of your plectrum using up as well as down strokes. Practice doing alternate up and down strokes slowly and smoothly using a metronome to keep time. For bluegrass picking use a heavy gauge pick but as with everything, you should try different ones out till you find what's right for you.

You will see and hear that a lot of bluegrass guitar playing consists of the guitarist playing bass notes and strumming in between. A simple example is to hold a C chord in the first position and pick the C note on the fifth string. Now use your plectrum to strum the other strings. Next, pick the E note on the fourth string and strum the rest of the strings again. Once you have done this a few times you will recognize the familiar bluegrass sound that you hear on CDs emerge from under your fingers.

Once you have got an idea of the guitar players you should be listening to and watching, you will be able to go looking for bluegrass guitar tabs. With these you can learn picking patterns that you can apply to any songs you learn. You will also be able to pick up tabs for bluegrass fiddle tunes you can learn to play on the guitar. Try any bluegrass forums you find, as well as tab archives.

Do you want to learn to play the guitar? Learn How To Play A Guitar For Free is a constantly updated blog which contains all the resources you need for: learning to play solo guitar, how to learn guitar chords, how to learn to read and play easy acoustic guitar tabs, finding a free online guitar tuner, looking for free guitar lessons online, and how to learn guitar scales.

There is a great attraction to learning the guitar for many people. It is probably the most accessible musical instrument that you will find. Both new and used guitars can be picked up pretty cheaply. You don't need a special room to play the guitar or any extra equipment. Due to the popularity of the guitar and music created with it there are plenty of resources available that will help you learn to play. One of these resources is the notation that describes the notes and chords you need to play for songs. This is known as guitar tablature. This article will explain how this system works and why you should learn guitar tablature.

Guitar tablature is simply a diagram that tells you where to place your fingers for a particular note. It gives you diagrams of which strings to place your fingers and on which fret. Once you understand how to read the tablature or tabs you will have most of the information you need to play tunes and songs. The one downside of tabs is that it doesn't indicate the rhythm or how to strum the strings.

You can find complete tablature for many popular songs. In essence tabs make it easier to play a song without having to read musical notation. This is a strong way to motivate people to learn the guitar or keep going if they have already started to learn. Being able to play a song completely is a challenge or a goal to aim for. It has a specific target and the student can measure there progress by listening to the complete version of the song. You can find tablature for hundreds of songs on the Internet or in books.

So in effect, learn guitar tablature from songs that you really want to learn to play makes practicing the guitar more fun and gives it a sense of structure. And once you get over the basic skills needed to play the guitar, practice is the most important discipline you will need to learn to progress from understanding the basics to being a competent player.

If you want to learn guitar in your own time then you couldn't go far wrong by using the jamorama guitar course. For more on this popular course, go to jamorama reviews.

The advantage to being a beginner is that you have not yet developed any bad habits. That's an advantage you'll have over someone that's played guitar for years that never developed the proper techniques. It's harder for someone that's played for years to 'unlearn' their techniques than it is for a beginner to start properly.

Proper finger technique is the foundation for skilled guitar playing. It is also the solid foundation you will use to advance in learning how to play guitar. Finger technique, if learned right, in a way makes learning guitar easier.

Dexterity is VITAL to learning guitar. Muscle memory is key. You might not think of playing an instrument as an athletic endeavor, but just like anything that take physical skill, exercise is important. Practicing finger technique builds up your finger strength, accuracy, and speed.

Keep this rule in mind from the get go. This is the mindset you need when starting to play.

Acoustic guitar for beginners rule number two: Don't reinvent the wheel.

Decades (even centuries) of guitarists precede you. That many years of guitar techniques precede you as well. There are techniques that are tried and true, and you'd do well to follow them.

A lot of people that try to learn guitar on their own end up learning by trial and error. It's as if they believe they're so naturally talented that all they need to do is pick up a guitar and 'wing' it. Don't kid yourself. Learning guitar takes time, practice. And not just ANY kind of practice makes perfect: perfect practice makes perfect. Again, it boils down to proper technique, learning right from the get go.

Acoustic guitar for beginners rule number three: Learn by Example

The best thing to do would be to learn from a more experienced guitarist. This doesn't mean go to your neighbor that knows how to play. They may be a good guitarist, but if they don't teach you the right techniques, you won't have the right foundation.

One of the most popular ways to do this today is to get some on line learning program that teaches guitar. There's a lot of upside to this: a lot of the online guitar programs teach PROPER finger technique right from the start. And they're not expensive at all (anything from $20 to 60). They contain video lessons so you can learn by example. Check out programs like Jamorama, Master the Guitar, and others.

I review my favorite ones right HERE. REMEMBER: get it right the first time and you'll have the RIGHT foundation, you'll have an advantage right from the start.

Noel Alcoba currently resides in the Pacific Northwest and has been playing guitar for 25 years. You can read about his online guitar reviews here.

It's important to know how to play guitar tabs, if you're a guitarist, or you plan on becoming one. Nearly every song you look up on the internet, for guitar, is written in tablature form, or in tabs. You'll notice a bunch of lines, a bunch of numbers. And if you're not familiar with tablature or tabs, you'll think you're looking at a mathematical equation.

What exactly are guitar tabs, or guitar tablature? They're really not that complicated. All you need to know are some basics, and the rest is pretty intuitive.

1. Let's assume you have a guitar. If you don't, get one, because it's easier to explain tabs if you already have a guitar. Get the guitar and sit it on your lap. You'll notice the strings go from lowest on top (or fattest) to highest on the bottom (or thinnest). You won't learn how to play guitar tabs if you're holding your guitar upside down...unless you're left handed. Then you'll have to re-string your guitar. But that's a different lesson for another time.

2. Now look at any tab sheet, or any song with tabs. You'll notice six lines, labelled E, B, G, D, A, and E. These correspond to your strings, from bottom to top. If you were to 'slide' your guitar off your lap and onto the floor, and you looked at your strings, they would be laid out this way, with the thinnest string (High E) at the top. Get it?

3. Unless you know what the numbers are, you won't know how to play guitar tabs. For each string you'll either see an "X" or a number from 0 to 22. Those simply refer to the frets. If you see an X, that means for THAT particular chord, you do NOT play that string. If you see a "0", you play that string, but you play it 'open', with no fingers of your chord playing hand pressing down on it. If you see a number, put your finger on THAT fret of THAT string.

To learn more about how to play guitar tabs, I recommend any one of several online guitar guides. I review them here

Noel Alcoba currently resides in the Pacific Northwest and has been playing guitar for 25 years. You can read about his online guitar reviews here

Now that you have made how to learn violin techniques your personal quest, you have determined to open up for yourself an entire world of musical enjoyment. Learning a new skill should always be a rewarding enterprise.

The art of playing the violin is comprised of many different components or individual techniques. You must be able to select your own instrument and identify each of its parts. You'll need to know how to string your violin and how to keep it in tune. You should be willing to establish a regimented practice routine. You will need to interview and select a qualified instructor. You should also know how to maintain your violin.

Finding your own violin is the first step in the process of how to learn violin techniques. While beginners models are available in the 200 to 300 dollar price range, can also find vintage violins worth multiple tens of thousands of dollars. If you had determined to purchase a used violin you need to know how to look it over for damage and excessive wear. It is recommended that you find a full color chart or picture of a violin that identifies all of its parts.

Starting with the scroll, check for dents and cracks. Look at the peg box and the pegs. Are the pegs tight or are they sloppy in the box? Examine the fingerboard for grooves caused by string pressure. Are the joints were the components of the violin come together tight and secure? Look at the bridge. Does its base rest firmly on the body of the violin? This is extremely important when it comes to producing quality tone. Check the fine tuning screws making sure they all operate the way they are designed. Finally, look over the front and back of the body of the violin, making sure that there are no cracks or excessive damage.

You'll need to learn how to tune your violin as this is a critical component of how to learn violin techniques. The easiest way to tune a violin is with a piano or electronic keyboard. The violin purists, however, use a 440 Hz A tuning fork. Whenever technique you decide to use, you generally tune one string using an outside source, and then tune the remaining strings.

When establishing your regimented practice routine you should be a realistic in setting your goals. Most instructors recommend from ½ to 2 hours per day be spent in practice. Always keep in mind that there is never a shortcut to practice. Is it not amazing that after many years of concerted education, doctors and lawyers still "practice" their discipline?

When you first determined how to learn violin techniques, you knew that selecting a qualified instructor was to be an important part of the process. Choose your instructor wisely; you are entering into a long-term relationship. Don't be afraid to ask the instructor questions about their personal likes and dislikes when it comes to violin music.

Last, but not least, is the maintenance of your violin. Never use furniture polish on your instrument. Using a soft cloth, wipe it down with an instrument grade violin polish. With the ammunition you have gained here you are well on your way to how to learn violin techniques.

Hailey Alton is a violin performer, music lover and teacher. For more great tips on How to Learn Violin please visit http://learntheviolinfast.com

If you're fed up with playing guitar hero and want to play a real guitar here are a few broad brush strokes about how you can get started.

First up, you need to get a guitar. You should decide what type of guitar you are interested in. Most people start with an acoustic guitar because you can get some good but relatively cheap acoustic guitars. Acoustic guitar are easier to use and you don't need any extra equipment other than a pick.

The alternative is to get an electric guitar. For me, I can't see the benefit in a beginner getting an electric guitar. However some people want to play rock music which an electric guitar is more suited to. You can also get different sounds from an electric guitar but I can't see that a beginner will really need these sounds to begin with. And you need more equipment than an acoustic which is harder to set up and more expensive.

Next, you need some method to teach you how to play guitar. Doodling around with a guitar will get you nowhere. You need some good reference material that can teach you the basics and impart some knowledge of music at the same time.

The ideal reference material might be a personal tutor. You can't get much more real than a person teaching you how to play guitar. You can ask questions and clear up problems. You can get instant feedback on your progress and know what needs to be worked on. It's all good but the down side is that it's expensive.

Alternatives are to learn using a self study course or even online guitar lessons. Self study courses have come a long way from reading a musty old book that shows you where to place you fingers for a certain note or chord. Modern courses include videos where you can watch a tutor or student playing a particular sequence.

You can even get DVD based courses that are like a virtual tutor teaching you how to play the guitar. The obvious bonus of this method is that you could go over the lesson again and again and your teacher won't get fed up with you. But you can't ask him/her questions.

Most self study courses will work out way cheaper than a tutor but may not be as motivating or flexible as a real person.

You're almost done. The next bit is probably the hardest part. Although you might be learning the guitar as a hobby you have to develop a work ethic. You have to take it seriously. Develop a routine whereby you are learning a lesson everyday or practicing one day and doing a lesson the next. Whatever schedule or plan you come up with, be consistent. Only with time and repeated practice will you attain a good level of guitar playing. And don't give up. It may seem like you are making no progress but eventually it will click into place.

Want to learn guitar in your own time ? You couldn't go far wrong by using the jamorama guitar course. For more on this popular course, go to Jamorama review.

Practice is a science and art. In this article I will give you four easily overlooked tips that will improve you're playing instantly.

There is one thing that most beginner players overlook when they practice violin, what is this? ORGANIZATION. The secret to maximizing your practice is to organize it in a way that gives you maximum results for your time.

How do you do this?

First set aside time to practice every day, for beginners I recommend about two hours. The secret to this is that you do it every single day. Be consistent in your practice this is the difference between those who become good and those who don't. Even if you find it hard to practice every day don't give up it will soon become easy. In fact if you keep it up for long enough it will become a deeply ingrained habit and you will not be able to stop.

Second divide up your playing time into segments. For example if you are practicing for two hours a day you can divide your time into fifteen minute segments. Then you use each segment to practice something different for example fifteen minutes playing scales fifteen minutes sight reading and so on.

Third use a metronome. You will be amazed how many beginner players overlook this one simple thing. It is absolutely vital that you practice to a metronome. This is the only way you will be able to build up speed and accuracy when playing violin.

Fourth pay extreme attention; you must pay attention when practicing violin if you do not and let your mind wander you will make mistakes. These mistakes will then become part of your playing, and you will become worse instead of better the more you practice violin. Your mind must be clear your body relaxed. Be in a state of total relaxation focus and concentration this is the only way you will be able to improve.

These are the four things you must do when you practice violin. Organize your playing effectively and you will see yourself improving rapidly, block off time to practice, divide your time up, use a metronome and pay attention.

These are the four things that every beginner violinist must do, for more tips on how you can improve your violin practice please click here

Eric B. Hill has been a professional violinist for more than fifteen years you can visit his website here thank you

Beginner Guitar Songs

For guitar beginners it is essential to find some nice and simple songs to learn. Just because the songs are described as simple, doesn't have to mean they are boring. Some great songs, that have sold millions, contain just 2 or 3 basic chords. So don't be put off by the apparent simplicity. Here are a few songs that will definitely suit the beginning guitar player. Learning to play these well will increase confidence and speed up the entire learning process. Seeing progress is a great incentive to studying.


This is a really emotional song that is relatively easy to play on the guitar, using the chords of C G F and A minor.
The song can be made more intricate by using altered chords to follow the melody more closely, but for the beginner guitarist, the basic first position chords are ideal and also fit perfectly.

BABY FRATELLI - The Fratellis

The Fratellis have come up with some really catchy tunes, and this is no exception. Using the chords of G, D, C, and a bit of G7, this tune is sure to get your audience joining in.


This tune uses 2 chords throughout. A Major and E Major. It uses a shuffle type vibe all the way through and is very catchy and infectious. Any 12 bar blues progression is also good to learn for a beginner. If the key of A is used then the chords of E and D can be used to complete the tune. This is a very useful thing to be able to play as it can be good experience to play the progression with more experienced players, who are able to solo over it.


This well known song, which has been performed by Guns and Roses amongst others uses 4 chords, G, D, A minor7 and C. It is possible to solo over this progression using a G major pentatonic scale, and can sound really good using just one position of the scale.

WILD THING - The Troggs

This classic tune is great to learn when first taking up the guitar. The chords used are A Major D Major and E Major, with a little G5 thrown in for good measure. The strumming pattern is quite easy to master, and its a great crowd pleasing song.

Paul Watson is a guitar player and teacher with over 30 years experience. Visit his websites at http://www.focusonguitar.com and http://theguitarsecret.com for more articles, free video lessons and lots of tips and assistance in making your learning curve enjoyable.

Everybody wants to be a drummer. They are the coolest guys/gals in the band right? The latest computer and console games like Guitar Hero, are introducing a whole new group of individuals to the world of being a musician. Many people are realizing, that playing a musical instrument, is an entirely different thing than playing a video game, and are starting to do something about it.

So, with all the new attention focused on the art of drumming these days, more people a looking to seriously learn. The internet has been a great boon for those looking to get started in the world of drumming. Technology really has made the learning curve simpler.

Every band needs a good drummer. While some get by with mediocre talent behind the drum kit, the bands with the excellent drummers really stand out. One that readily comes to mind, is the Dave Matthews Band. Carter Beauford is their outstanding drummer. I remember them releasing one acoustic album without Carter on the drums, and it really didn't do a thing for me.

So, getting your start on learning this fun instrument is pretty simple. You'll have no problem finding lots of websites online willing to show you how to play the drums. You just need to take the first step.

Computer Based Training Has Revolutionized How We Learn

Really, one of the best things about learning from a computer or DVD, is that it fits into your schedule when you want it to. For those of us with busy and demanding schedules, it's a perfect way to learn the drums.

People have different motivations for wanting to learn to play the drums. Some enjoy the challenge of learning a new skill, others would love to play in a band, and some would just like to rock out in the basement on the kit with a pair of headphones on.

Learning to play the drums is good for anyone, that has a desire to learn something new, and is in search of a new hobby.

Learning To Play Drums Simplified

There's never been a better time to begin your drum lessons.

Drum Lessons For Beginners are easy to find, if you look around a bit. Visit Beginner Drum Lessons, to get started today.

If you're just a beginner learning guitar I'm sure you're anxious to learn a few basics as soon as you can on your new guitar. If you have not purchased an acoustic guitar just yet keep up the research and ask lots of questions. They're cheaper than ever, but new ones are still a little pricey. And you probably want to spend as little as possible on lessons if you've paid for a new guitar, a used one or if you haven't bought one at all yet. (everyone likes to save money!)

As far as personal free guitar lessons, they are pretty impossible to come by unless you have a friend who is also a great guitar player who'd be willing to teach you some things. It wont be anything like paid by the hour training from an instructor. If your friend was willing to teach you actual lessons you may be able to get a friend to friend discount and consider yourself lucky for that!

If you're still in grade school this is a great opportunity to take advantage of your schools music program, or take a class at community college for still cheaper than a one on one instructor.

There are a few great free resources online to get you started such as any sites based on giving information such as eHow or About. My recommendations are at the bottom of the page but lets focus on some other ones first.

Along with about and ehow which show you some mp3 files so you can hear how it is supposed to sound and try to replicate it. Also scales, strumming, basic chords and finger picking. There is also YouTube which has loads of great videos on learning popular acoustic guitar songs and tips and techniques.

If you're looking for step-by-step lessons from more of an experienced tutor online click here for a full review. You can start with free lessons!

Good luck, and remember to have fun!

Because of the internet and generous people who like to share there advice and tips the world wide web is a great place to learn to play the guitar online using free lessons. No matter if you're interested in rock, pop, blues or if you want to play acoustic or electric there are tons of resources online to help you.

Learning guitar TABS are always a good place to start when learning guitar for the first time. It seems to take some of the frustration out of not being to play right away. If you don't know what TABS are they basically show you where to hold your fingers so you don't have to memorize all the notes of the guitar.

So, what can free guitar lessons online do for a beginner? The main purpose is to keep you from feeling overwhelmed at all the information and guide you into playing your first song as fast as possible. Learning guitar usually takes about a year to get to playing how you've dreamed of being able to do. So it does require quite the commitment to see results, but if you make sure you're having fun each time you pick up your guitar instead of: "Oh great! It's time to practice guitar again" That time will fly by and you'll be looking back from when you first started so proud of the accomplishment you've made.

It can be hard to keep up the momentum to practice when you should as a beginner but keep in mind that even the greatest guitar players started without the knowledge of what frets and tabulatures were or how to read notes.

The best way to learn is to get started! check out this review of an online guitar course for more information.

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